Taiwanese Arts

鳳飛飛好歌MV -《望春風》

류지미 2022. 5. 1. 21:00


鳳飛飛好歌MV -《望春風》

Fong Fei-fei / Bāng Tshun-hong

Longing for the Spring Breeze , 그리운 봄 바람

                                                           1,620,552 views Apr 15, 2010


台灣民謠中的一首不朽經典。, 望春(Bhang Cun-hong)

獨夜無伴守燈下 春風對面吹
On a lonely night, alone by myself, under a dim lamp
I feel the spring breeze blowing on my cheeks
十七八歲未出嫁 遇著少年家
17 going on 18, and still unmarried
I encounter a young man
果然漂緻面肉白 誰家人子弟
He has a handsome face and a fair complexion
I wonder which family he's from
想要問伊驚歹勢 心內彈琵琶
I want to ask him but feel shy
My heart is beating like a pipa being strummed
想欲郎君做尪婿 意愛在心內
My heart wishes him to be my husband
His love is already inside my heart
等待何時君來採 青春花當開
I wonder when he would come to pick me up
To gather up the blooming flowers of youth
聽見外面有人來 開門甲看覓
I hear footsteps coming to the door
I open the door to see if he is outside
月娘笑阮憨大呆 被風騙不知
But the moon is laughing at me for being a fool
I realize I've been deceived by the sound of the wind


歌詞(版本五)                                         白話字
十七八未出嫁  見著少年家     Cha̍p-chhit-poeh, bē chhut-kè, kìⁿ-tio̍h siàu-liân-ke
果然標緻面肉白  誰家人子弟  Kó-liân piau-tì bīn-bah pe̍h, sûi ke lâng chú-tē
想要問伊驚歹勢  心內彈琵琶  Siūⁿ-boeh mn̄g i kiaⁿ phái-sè, sim-lāi tōaⁿ pî-pê

想要郎君作尪婿  意愛在心裡   Siūⁿ-boeh liông-kun choh ang-sài, ì-ài chāi sim-lāi

待何時君來採  青春花當開     Thāi hô-sî, kun lâi chhái, chheng-chhun hoe tng-khai

忽聽外口有人來  開門該看覓  Hut thiaⁿ gōa-kháu ū lâng lâi, khui-mn̂g kai khòaⁿ-bāi

月老笑阮憨大呆  被風騙不知  Go̍at-ló chhiò gún gōng-tōa-tai, hō͘ hong phiàn m̄-chai




獨夜無伴守燈下 春風對面吹 희미한 등불아래 나홀로 외로운 밤, 봄바람은 내 얼굴에 불어오누나
On a lonely night, alone by myself, under a dim lamp
I feel the spring breeze blowing on my cheeks
十七八歲未出嫁 遇著少年家 열일곱 여덟쯤 출가하지 아니한, 젊은 소년 총각을 만나다
17 going on 18, and still unmarried
I encounter a young man
果然漂緻面肉白 誰家人子弟 과연 핸섬한 얼굴에 하얀 살결, 어느집 가문의 자제이실까

He has a handsome face and a fair complexion
I wonder which family he's from
想要問伊驚歹勢 心內彈琵琶 그(이징)에게 야릇한 사정 묻고 싶으니, 내 마음속은 비파를 켠다。
I want to ask him but feel shy
My heart is beating like a pipa being strummed
想欲郎君做尪婿 意愛在心內 마음은 그가 내 남편이었으면 원하니, 그의 사랑은 내 마음에 들어왔어요
My heart wishes him to be my husband
His love is already inside my heart
等待何時君來採 青春花當開 언제인가 그는 날 따러 오시려나, 청춘의 봄 꽃은 피어나겠지
I wonder when he would come to pick me up
To gather up the blooming flowers of youth
聽見外面有人來 開門甲看覓 밖에서 뉘 오는 소리 들려오나니, 문을 열고 찾아 보네 바깥에 그를...
I hear footsteps coming to the door
I open the door to see if he is outside
月娘笑阮憨大呆 被風騙不知 달님은 날 바보라 웃어주시고, 나 바람소리에 속았구나 알았더이다.
But the moon is laughing at me for being a fool
I realize I've been deceived by the sound of the wind


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鳳飛飛 Fong Fei-fei , 1953年8月20日-2012年1月3日)本名林秋鸞,

出生於 台灣省桃園縣大溪鎮(今桃園市大溪區),台灣女歌手、主持人、演員。





望春風(台灣閩南話:Bāng Tshun-hong): Longing for the Spring Breeze


1933年 日治时期台湾,原唱者 古伦美亚唱片公司



古伦美亚(日语:日本コロムビア/にっぽんコロムビア Nippon Koromubia /;英语:Nippon Columbia)