written in 1985
by brothers Frank and Seán O’Meara
The most popular Irish song
for the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Rising in 2016

Gace Gifford
Grace \ Phil Coulter (ˈkoʊltər)
Grace Gifford & Joseph Plunkett
The story of Grace Gifford and Joseph Plunkett is a heartbreaking one.
그래이스 기포드와 죠집 플런킽의 사연은 가슴 아픈 슬픈 순애보(殉愛譜)다.
As a leader of the 1916 Easter Uprising,
Plunkett was sentenced to death by firing squad in Killmainham Gaol in Dublin.
In an act of humanity (sort of) the English allowed Plunkett to marry his love,
Grace Gifford, in the chapel of the prison.
1916년 4월 24일,부활절 다음날,아일랜드 더블린에서~
영국 통치에 저항하는 소위 1916년 부활절 봉기가 일어나는데
지도자인 플런킽는 더블린의 킬매인엄 감옥에서 총살형을 선고받는다.
인권법에 따라 영국 당국의 허락을 받아 감옥 교회에서 플런킽는 그의 연인,그래이스 기포드와 결혼하다.
(플런킽가 총살당하기 7시간 전인,1916년 5월 3일 수요일 밤)
They were allowed to spend just a few moments together under the watch of a guard
and then Plunkett was taken into the yard and executed.
그들은 교도관의 감시하에 단지 잠시간 같이 있도록 허락받았다.
그런 후 여명에 플런킽는 감옥의 Stone Breakers'Yard로 끌려나가 처형당하였다(28세).
(1916년 5월 4일 목요일 여명)

Grace Evelyn Gifford Plunkett (4 March 1888 – 13 December 1955)
was an Irish artist and cartoonist who was active in the Republican movement,
and was a Protestant convert to Catholicism,
who married her fiancé Joseph Plunkett in Kilmainham Gaol
only a few hours before he was executed for his part in the 1916 Easter Rising.
Grace 는 아일랜드 독립운동가로서 예술인, 카툰작가이며 청교도에서 캐톨릭으로 개종한 사람이다.
1916년 부활절 봉기 가담죄로 사형당하기 불과 수시간 전에 킬매인엄 감옥에 있던 연인 죠집 플런킽와 결혼하였다.
*gaol [dʒeil] ① 감옥 ② 징역 ③ 수감 ④ 교도소
Joseph Mary Plunkett (Irish: Seosamh Máire Pluincéid, 21 November 1887 – 4 May 1916)
was an Irish nationalist, poet, journalist, and a leader of the 1916 Easter Rising.
Plunkett was one of the original members of the IRB( Irish Republican Brotherhood )Military
Committee that was responsible for planning the 1961 Easter Rising.
Joseph 은 아일랜드 민족주의자, 시인,저널리스트이자 1916년 부활절 봉기 리더였다.
그는 1916년 부활절 봉기 계획을 추진한 아일랜드 독립형제 군사위 창설 조직원의 한 사람이었다.
Easter Rising. ... Easter Rebellion이라고도 함.
1916년 4월 24일,부활절 다음날까지,더블린에서 아일랜드 공화주의자들이 영국 통치에 대항한 봉기.
일주일만에 진압되고 주동자 7명은 모두 총살 처형됨.

The couple planned to marry on Easter Sunday in 1916,
After the Rising,Joseph was to be shot at dawn.
She bought a ring in a jeweller's shop in Dublin city centre and, with the help of a priest,
persuaded the military authorities to allow them to marry.
두 연인은 원래 1916년 부활절 일요일에 결혼할 예정이었다.
부활절 봉기 주도후 죠집은 5월4일 새벽에 총살 당하게 되었다.
이 소식을 듣고 그래이스는 더블린 중심가 보석상에서 반지를 샀다.
그들은 결혼 허락을 받기 위해 신부의 도움을 받아 영국군 당국을 설득하였다.
The couple were married in the prison chapel of Kilmainham Gaol, on the night of 3 May ,
seven hours before Joseph's execution (on 4th May 1916) by firing squad at the age of 28,
in the prison's Stone Breakers' Yard.
His last words were, “I am very happy I am dying for the glory of God and the honour of Ireland.”
Grace Gifford never married again.
그리하여 두 사람은 죠집이 1916년 5월 4일, 28세 나이로
Stone Breakers' Yard에서 총살당하기 7시간 전인 5월 3일 밤, 킬매인엄 감옥의 교회당에서 결혼하였다.
5월 4일 여명에 죠집의 총살형은 집행되었다.
죠집이 마지막 남긴 말은
"나는 하느님의 영광과 아일랜드의 명예를 위하여 죽게 되어 매우 행복하다 "
Grace Gifford 는 다시 결혼하지 않았다.(1955년 사망)
Grace Gifford is the subject of "Grace",
a song written in 1985 by brothers Frank and Seán O'Meara,
which became popular in Ireland and elsewhere and has been recorded by many musicians.
The song is about Grace Gifford going to see her fiance Joseph Mary Plunkett for the last time
in Kilmainham Gaol
그래이스 키포드는 1985년 작곡된 노래 "Grace" 의 주인공
이 노래는 아일랜드 등지에서 인기를 얻었으며 많은 음악가들에 의해 녹음되었다.
이 노래는 그래이스 기포드가 킬매인엄 감옥에서 먼동이 트기전에 총살형장의 이슬로 사라져야 하는
연인 죠집 플런킽를 마지막 보내는 장면을 그리는 것이다.
Grace / Anthony Kearns
Grace was written by brothers Sean And Frank O'Meara in 1985.This song was the most popular Irish song (on this site) for the 100th anniversary of the 1916 rising in 2016
Korean By Jimie Ryu
As we gather in the chapel here in old Kilmanhaim Gaol(Jail)
낡은 감옥안 교회에 우리 함께 한 이 순간
I think about this past few weeks, oh will they say we failed
나는 지난 몇주를 생각합니다,사람들은 우리가 실패했다고 말할까
From our school days they have told us we must yearn for Liberty
그들은 우리가 학창 시절부터 자유를 갈망했었다고 말했지요.
Yet all I want in this dark place is to have you here with me.
아직 어두운 감옥안 내가 바라는 전부는 당신이 나와 같이 있는 것이오.
Oh Grace just hold in your arms and let this moment linger
오 GRACE 당신 가슴으로 안아주오 이 순간 오래이도록
They'll take me out at dawn and I will die
새벽녘엔 그들이 날 데려갈 것이고 나는 죽을 것이오
With all my love I'll place this wedding ring upon your finger
나의 모든 사랑을 담아 당신에게 반지를 끼워 주면서
There won't be time to share our love, so we must say good bye.
우리 사랑 함께할 시간이 없으리니 작별을 고해야 하는구려.
Now I know it's hard for you my love to ever understand
난 알아요 내 사랑을 당신이 이해하기 어려울 것임을
The love I share for these brave men, my love for my dear land
용감한 이 사람들과 사랑한 것은, 내 조국을 향한 사랑이라오
these brave men은 봉기 동지들을 말 할 것임.
But when Glory(Padraic) called me to his side down in the GPO
영광이 GPO에 있는 그의 편으로 나를 부를 때
*Padraic: 봉기 총사령관, 임시정부 대통령
*GPO (General Post Ofice,봉기 중심이었던 우편국)
I had to leave my own sick bed, to him I had to go.
난 몸져 누웠던 침대를 박차고, 그에게 달려가야 했어요.
my own sick bed, 목 분비선 수술후 붕대를 감고 병석에 있던 중
Oh Grace just hold me in your arm
for we must say goodbye.
Now as the dawn is breaking my heart is breaking too,
이제 새볔녁이 밝아오니 나의 가슴도 찢어집니다,
On this may morn as I walk out my thoughts will be of you
오월의 아침 처형장으로 걸어가는 내 마음속엔 당신뿐이오
And I write some words upon the wall so everyone will know
모든 사람들이 알도록 벽위에 몇마디 말을 나는 쓰리라
I loved so much that I could see his blood upon the rose.
장미에 뿌려지는 그의 피를 볼 수 있었으니 정녕 사랑하오니다.
and let this moment linger,
They'll take me out at dawn
and I will die
With all my love I'll place
this wedding ring upon your finger
There won't be time to share our love
for we must say goodbye.
아일랜드의 민족주의 지도자, 시인, 교육자. (아일). Pdhraic.
*Padhraic is pronounced "Paw-rick"
부활절 다음날인 1916년 4월 24일
더블린에서 선포된 아일랜드 공화국 임시정부의 초대 대통령으로 선출된 피어스는
총사령관으로서 같은 날 시작된 반영 봉기에서 아일랜드 군대를 지휘함. 진압당한 후 처형됨.
The lyrics include the line "I see (or saw) his blood upon the rose," which is from a poem written by Joseph Mary Plunkett, the "hero" of "Grace." I ran across the poem in "1000 years of Irish Poetry" edited by Kathleen Hoagland and thought some Mudcatters might appreciate it. Thus, here it is.
Joseph Mary Plunkett, 1887-1916
I see His blood upon the rose
And in the stars the glory of His eyes,
His body gleams amid eternal snows,
His tears fall from the skies.
I see His face in every flower;
The thunder and the singing of the birds
Are but His voice--and carven by His power
Rocks are His written words.
All pathways by His feet are worn,
His strong heart stirs the ever beating sea,
His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn,
His cross is every tree.
Notes: Joseph Plunkett was a visionary poet from a noble Irish house. He was exected by the British in 1916 for his part in the Easter Rising.
Here's another song by Plunkett which I once posted on the Cat, but it never got harvested, so I'll do it again here (the tune he had for it is to "The Groves of Blarney"):
As I walked over to Magheraroarty
On a summer evening not long ago,
I met a maiden most sadly weeping,
Her cheeks downstreaming with the signs of woe.
I asked what ailed her, as sure became me
In manner dacent with never a smile.
She said, I'll tell you, O youthful stranger,
What is my danger at the present time.
On my father's land there are many mansions
With sheep and cattle and pigs go léor,
Until the Saxon came over the border
With detention orders that raked him sore.
His herds they plundered and killed five hundred,
And the rest they sundered, north, east and south,
Saying keep the hides and the woollen fleeces
For the beasts have diseases of the foot and mouth!
With these words deceitful sure he was cheated,
Not a mouth was dropping, not a hoof was sprung,
But the only disease came over from England
The Cloven Hoof and the Dirty Tongue.
Now what can avail me, O youthful stranger
To save the beasts and my father's life,
And my marriage portion that's my only fortune
For the lad that's courting me to be his wife?
The thing about Foot and Mouth is that though it's terribly infectious, it's not that serious a disease for the beasts involved, they'd be unlikely to die of it - but they are slaughtered because that's seen as a cheaper option. Peasant farmers in Ireland at the start of the century bitterly resented that policy.
Letter from Sean O'Meara, co-author of the ballad "Grace"
(posted on the Irish Folk Song Lyrics Archive Message Board)
The story behind 'Grace' is a true one based on actual events of the 2nd May 1916. Grace Gifford and Joseph Mary Plunkett got married in the Chapel in Kilmainham Jail just a few hours before he was executed for his part in the 1916 Rising. This was a move against British Rule in Ireland at the time....April 1916.
Grace lived near Ranelagh in the south-central part of Dublin and was a modern young lady, very well educated and particularly talented in the areas of sketches, cartoons and caricatures. Much of her work was published. Additionally she was excellent at creating tapestries and the like.
Joseph Mary Plunkett was a scholar and a poet and mixed in the same social circles as Grace Gifford. Their individual creativity would have brought them closer and their lives would have been full, interesting and energetic. His poem 'Blood Upon The Rose' is legendary.
At that time, a low-key move against British Rule was gathering some momentum and this was led by Padraig Pearse, a teacher, scholar and poet. Joseph would have know Padraig well and so would easily slip into the 'movement', albeit reluctantly, it is said. Grace would have encouraged him not to become 'involved' rather work hard and together at their careers.
But Padraig had a spellbinding effect on some people and Joseph actually did leave his sick bed to join in the rising. This, of course, failed and the leaders were arrested and put into Kilmainham Jail, on the western side of Dublin. Quickly they were sentenced to death and executed by firing squad during the first half of May 1916.
Grace Plunkett, as she became, never married again. She died in Dublin in 1955. The song 'Grace' was written in 1985 by brothers Frank and Sean O'Meara.
Sean O'Meara
15th September, 1999
Monday May 8, 1916
Report from Dublin on the Wedding of a Martyred Irish Rebel

From The New York Times, Front Page, May 7, 1916:
On May 4th, 1916,
one day after he married the love of his life, Grace Gifford,
in the chapel in Kilmainham Gaol,
1916년 5월 4일,
킬매인엄 감옥 교회에서
그의 생애 사랑,그래이스 기포드와 결혼한 다음날,
Joseph Mary Plunkett was taken from his prison cell,
put against a wall and shot dead for the crime of opposing British occupation
of his nation.
죠집 매어리 플런킽는 그의 감방에서 이끌려 나갔다,
그의 조국에 대한 영국점령에 항거한 죄로 그는 벽에 세워져 총살 당하였다.
His last words were,
“I am very happy I am dying for the glory of God and the honour of Ireland.”
그가 남긴 마지막 말은,
"나는 하느님의 영광과 아일랜드의 명예를 위하여 죽게 되어 매우 행복하다."
Of all the great men and women of that era,
was there a more gallant figure than Joseph Mary Plunkett,
or a more hopeless love that that of Plunkett and Grace Gifford?,

For Grace Gifford and Joseph Plunkett
두 분의 애련한 사랑을 위하여 두 분의 숭고한 조국애를 추모하며 묵념의 기원을 담아 꽃 한 송이 바친다 !
필자, 나 Jimie는
내가 정리한 이 사랑의 발라드 순애보를 정독하고 들을 때 마다
한없이 치솟는 슬픈 감정, 흐르는 뜨거운 눈물을 감당할 수 없으니
두 연인의 처연한 사랑의 운명과, 애련한 그 사랑에 대한 애절한 연민,
그리고 형장의 이슬로 사라져간 한 맺힌 젊은 애국자의 숭고한 조국애를 넘어서는 그 무엇에
파란만장한 역경을 헤치며 조국 위한 꿈- 청운에 오르려 질곡의 세월을 내달음치더니
스스로 접어버린 내 젊은 날들의 청운의 꿈이 설움처럼 되살아나면서 나를 울렸을지도 알 수 없는 그 무엇.
외로운 이역땅, 머나먼 몸과 마음의 이방인...
내 가슴 응어리진 인생의 미련이런가,
한 많은 내 가슴에 맺힌 피 멍, 설운 슬픈 설움, 그 공명(共鳴)의 울음이런가.
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