The Star Of The Sea
The Shores of The Swilly by Sinead O'Connor written by Phil Coulter
"The Star of the Sea" & "The Shores of the Swilly"
The Shores of the Swilly is written in memory of Coulter's sister Cyd who died on that stretch of water in County Donegal, while Star of The Sea is written in memory of his brother Brian who too died in tragic circumstances on the Lough just a year after losing his sister in '83
Phil Coulter [(ˈkoʊltər) born 19 February 1942] is an Irish musician, songwriter and record producer.
필은 아일랜드의 음악가, 가요곡 작사·작곡자 , 음반 생산자이다.
He was awarded the Gold Badge from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors in October 2009.
Coulter has amassed 23 platinum discs, 39 gold discs, 52 silver discs,
two Grand Prix Eurovision awards;
five Ivor Novello Awards, which includes Songwriter of the Year;
three American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers awards;
1942년 북아일랜드 데리 출생. 1960년대 아일랜드가 배출한 국보급 작곡가겸 피아니스트로 세계적인 음악가.
Phil Coulter의 음악세계는 아일랜드의 역사와 개인적인 가정사 그리고 종교적인 내용을 위주로 서정적이고 감미로운 음악이 주를 이루고 있다. 독특한 아일랜드적 감성과 정서를 감미롭게 자극하는 음악이 그 특징이다 .
1970년대 유로비젼 송 콘테스트의 수상작들을 다수 작곡한 인기 작곡가였으며 1999년 그래미상 노미네이트,빌보드 챠트 상위 랭크 작품 다수...
Phil Coulter - Star Of The Sea
"The Star of the Sea" Features the voice of Aoife Ni Fhearraigh (Irish pronunciation: [ˈiːfʲə nʲiː ˈaɾˠiː]) , this sorrowful piece is a tribute to Phil's elder brother, Brian Coulter , who was tragically drowned in Lough (Lake) Swilly in 1984.
* lough [lak, lax] : Lake ,호수,
//이 곡은 1984년 스윌리호수에서 익사한 나의 형을 위하여 작곡하였다.
퐈안(Fahan)부두에 서면,
호수 너머에는 살아있는 형의 마지막 모습이 목격되었던 번크라나와 던리가 보인다.
주여, 그의 영혼이 평온히 잠들게 하소서~! // ~ Phil Coulter~

"The Shores of the Swilly" is a tribute to Phil's sister,Cyd Coulter who also drowned in Lough Swilly (Lake of Shadows). "스윌리의 해변"은 스윌리 호수(Lough Swilly)에서 익사한 누이 시드에게 필이 바치는 노래이다.
"The Shores of the Swilly" beautifully and sparely sung by the voice of Aoife Ni Fhearraigh, which is the tale of Cyd Coulter's death.
She was a Councillor for people with drug/alcohol issues.
She got a call, on the afternoon of her son's 10th birthday party, from one of her cases.
She was found a couple of days later in the Swilly, her car had to be lifted out by crane...
With Phil standing on watching.
이 곡은 Phil Coulter 가 형에 이어 1980년대에 스윌리호수에서 익사한,여동생 15주기에 추모곡으로 작곡하였다.......
The Shores of The Swilly by Sinead O'Connor written by Phil Coulter
By the shores of the Swilly, two children at play
The king of the castle, the queen of the may
Just me and my sister, in a world of pretend
Where the sun would keep shining, the day never end
By the shores of the Swilly, now with kids of our own
Another year over, and see how they've grown
Then we'd watch the last sunset, and walk arm in arm
Till I see you next summer; God keep you from harm
And if I was a flier who crashed now and then
She would put me together and fly me again
And if I was a flier who crashed now and then
She would put me together and fly me again
By the shores of the Swilly, with an aching inside
I'll watch as her body is raised from the tide...
Her life has been taken, and I'll never know why
But I feel in that moment, a part of me died...
3)Lough Swilly ?
Lough Swilly (Irish: Loch Súilí, meaning "Lake of Shadows" or the "Lake of Eyes") in Ireland is a glacial fjord or sea inlet lying between the western side of the Inishowen Peninsula and the Fanad Peninsula, in County Donegal.
*lough [lak, lax] : Lake, 호수, 후미 *glacial fjord : 빙식협만(氷蝕峽灣) -빙하의 침식으로 만들어진 골짜기(빙식곡,氷蝕谷, glacial valley) 에 빙하가 없어진 후 바닷물이 들어와서 형성된 지형
*sea inlet : 바닷물길처럼 바닷물이 유입하는 통로같은 작은 만灣 (*사진 참조)
Along with Carlingford Lough and Killary Harbour it is one of three glacial fjords in Ireland

Lough Swilly from Grianan of Aileagh, Donegal, Ireland
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