Euro-American Arts
2020. 8. 27.

Once Upon a Time in the West
~옛날 옛적 서부에서는~
Thereminist : Katica Illényi
Ennio Morricone: Once Upon a Time in the West
Katica Illényi & Győr Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: István Silló
Palace of Arts, B. Bartók National Concert Hall
테레민을 연주하는 테레미니스트는 테레민에 신체적 접촉 없이 좌우에 위치한 두개의 안테나에서 발생되는 전자기장을 손으로 간섭시켜 6옥타브 이상의 음역에 걸쳐 다양한 음색의 소리로 연주할 수 있다.

테레미니스트( thereminist ;테레민 연주자) 캐티카 일레니(Katica Illenyi) 는
1968년 헝가리에서 음악가 부모의 4남매 중 장녀로 출생한,
violin연주자,theremin연주자, 성악가, tap dancer이다.
Katica Illényi ( born February 17, 1968, Budapest, Hungarian: [ˈkɒtit͡sɒ ˈilleːɲi]) is a Hungarian violinist, singer, dancer and Theremin player. She plays in several musical genres, including folk music, klezmer and Manouche jazz. She has classical training.
Illényi comes from a musical family. She began learning the violin with her father, Ferenc Illényi, who played in the orchestra of the Hungarian State Opera.
(originally known as the ætherphone/etherphone, thereminophone or termenvox/thereminvox)
Invented 100 years ago, the world’s first electronic instrument inspired a surge in sound technology that led to Robert Moog’s creation of the modern synthesiser, transforming the musical landscape ever since.
The only musical instrument controlled entirely without physical contact.

1919년 소련의 물리학자 레옹 테레민(Leon Theremin,1896-1993)이 발명한 최초의 전자악기(the first manufactured electronic musical instrument).
수직 안테나-Pitch Antenna는 손을 가까이 가져갈수록 높은 음을 내며 (frequency of sound)
수평(루프형) 안테나-Volume Antenna는 손이 가까이 갈수록 작은 소리를 낸다(volume of sound ).
두 손으로 각 안테나와의 거리를 조절하여 음을 만들어 내는 원리로 한 손으로는 높이, 한 손으로는 음의 세기를 조절한다.
가청영역 위 2개의 음파를 발진시키는 2개의 라디오 튜브를 지닌 증폭기를 통하여 스피커로 소리를 보낸다.

Leon Theremin이 악기를 시연하고 있다.
소련의 음향물리학자, 음악가, 발명가, 스파이- Léon Theremin
Léon Theremin은 1896 ,제정 러시아 상트 페테르부르크에서 프랑스의 위그노 (Huguenot) 족과 독일계 (German ancestry)가정에서 태어났다.
그는 17 세의 나이로 고등학교 마지막 해에 고주파 회로, 광학 및 자기장 실험을 위하여 집에 자체 실험실을 운영했다.
1919년 23세에 세계 최초의 전자 악기 테레민 발명.
1925 년에 독일의 회사 Goldberg and Sons에 라디오 파수꾼과 Termenvox 특허를 판매하기 위하여 독일에 갔다.
1928 년에 뉴욕 필 하모닉 (the New York Philharmonic)과 함께 테레민을 연주했다.
1928 년에 미국에서 자신의 발명 특허를 취득한 후 RCA에 상업적 생산 권한을 부여했다
1938 년 갑자기 소비에트 연방으로 돌아갔다(납치설).
그는 귀국 즉시 부티르카 교도소에 수감되었고 후에 코리마 금광산 노역에 보내졌다.
He died in Moscow on Wednesday 3 November 1993 at the age of 97.
Theremin abruptly returned to the Soviet Union in 1938. At the time, the reasons for his return were unclear; some claimed that he was homesick, while others believed that he had been kidnapped by Soviet officials. Beryl Campbell, one of Theremin's dancers, said his wife Lavinia "called to say that he had been kidnapped from his studio" and that "some Russians had come in" and that she felt that he was going to be spirited out of the country.
Many years later, it was revealed that Theremin had returned to his native land due to tax and financial difficulties in the United States. However, Theremin himself once told Bulat Galeyev that he decided to leave himself because he was anxious about the approaching war. Shortly after he returned he was imprisoned in the Butyrka prison and later sent to work in the Kolyma gold mines. Although rumors of his execution were widely circulated and published, Theremin was put to work in a sharashka (a secret laboratory in the Gulag camp system), together with Andrei Tupolev, Sergei Korolev and other well-known scientists and engineers. The Soviet Union rehabilitated him in 1956.

During his work at the sharashka, where he was put in charge of other workers, Theremin created the Buran eavesdropping system. A precursor to the modern laser microphone, it worked by using a low-power infrared beam from a distance to detect sound vibrations in glass windows. Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the secret police organization NKVD (the predecessor of the KGB), used the Buran device to spy on the British, French and US embassies in Moscow. According to Galeyev, Beria also spied on Stalin; Theremin kept some of the tapes in his flat. In 1947, Theremin was awarded the Stalin prize for inventing this advance in Soviet espionage technology.
Theremin invented another listening device called The Thing, hidden in a replica of the Great Seal of the United States carved in wood. In 1945, Soviet school children presented the concealed bug to the U.S. Ambassador as a "gesture of friendship" to the USSR's World War II ally. It hung in the ambassador’s residential office in Moscow and intercepted confidential conversations there during the first seven years of the Cold War, until it was accidentally discovered in 1952.
Later life
After his release from the sharashka in 1947, Theremin volunteered to remain working with the KGB until 1966. By 1947 Theremin had remarried, to Maria Guschina, his third wife, and they had two children: Lena and Natalia.
Theremin worked at the Moscow Conservatory of Music[46] for 10 years where he taught, and built theremins, electronic cellos and some terpsitones (another invention of Theremin). There he was discovered by Harold Schonberg, the chief music critic of The New York Times, who was visiting the Conservatory. But when an article by Schonberg appeared mentioning Theremin, the Conservatory's Managing Director declared that "electricity is not good for music; electricity is to be used for electrocution" and had his instruments removed from the Conservatory. Further electronic music projects were banned, and Theremin was summarily dismissed.
In the 1970s, Leon Theremin was a Professor of Physics at Moscow State University (Department of Acoustics) developing his inventions and supervising graduate students.
After 51 years in the Soviet Union Theremin started travelling, first visiting France in June 1989[2] and then the United States in 1991, each time accompanied by his daughter Natalia. Theremin was brought to New York by filmmaker Steven M. Martin where he was reunited with Clara Rockmore. He also made a demonstration concert at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague in early 1993 before dying in Moscow on Wednesday 3 November 1993 at the age of 97.
The Thing (listening device) - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Covert listening device Replica of The Thing which contained a Soviet bugging device, on display at the NSA's National Cryptologic Museum The Thing, also known as the Great Seal bug, was one of the first covert listeni
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