My sayings for~

녹색 채소 1위 Molokhia

류지미 2024. 3. 30. 14:25



Spinach Egyptian

Botanical Name: Corchorus olitorius (코르코루스 올리토리우스)

Approx 250 seeds

Also known as Nalta Jute, Bush Okra and many other names, this multipurpose plant is grown from Africa to Asia but is particularly popular in Egypt. Grown for its delicious leaves and shoots that are cooked similarly to Spinach.


Pick young shoots and leaves regularly to delay flowering and extend harvest.



Product Specifications
How To Grow
Sow in seed trays filled with quality seed raising mix or direct in growing position. Sow thinly, but firmly, 5mm (¼in) deep. Seedlings usually appear in 7-10 days. Firm down and keep moist. Transplant into the garden when strong enough, spacing plants 30cm (12in) apart. Harvest from 6 weeks after sowing. Pick leaves and shoots as required. Pick young shoots and leaves regularly to delay flowering and extend harvest.
When To Plant
Spring to Autumn. Winter too in tropical regions.
6-8 weeks
How To Cook
For Egyptian Molokhia, mince the leaves of Egyptian Spinach and cook them in a meat broth with garlic and coriander. You can also add tomato sauce or cumin. Serve with pita bread or rice. Grow your own produce to create truly authentic dishes inspired by regional cuisines of the world’s kitchens.
When to Sow/Plant
Spring, Summer, Autumn
Soil Type

compost, fertile, well drained



그래픽=조선디자인랩 한유진

녹색 채소는 노화의 원인인 활성산소를 제거해 주는 베타카로틴 함량이 높다. 사진은 베타카로틴 함량 녹색 채소 1위인 몰로키야./BBC


익히면 걸쭉하게 변하는 몰로키야는 죽이나 스튜 형태의 레시피가 많다./Emborg


이집트의 국민 음식 몰로키야./조선DB




야채는 색깔별로 주된 영양소를 확인할 수 있는데,

빨강·초록·노랑·보라·검정(赤緑黄紫黒)의 오색(五色)은 노화 방지에 효과적”



“베타카로틴을 섭취하면 피부 점막이 재생되고 촉촉해져서 강렬한 자외선으로부터 피부를 보호해 준다”

“베타카로틴은 기름과 함께 섭취하면 흡수율이 높아지기 때문에 튀김으로 만들어 먹어도 좋다”



베타카로틴이 많이 함유된 초록 채소에는  1위는 몰로키야, 2위, 쑥갓, 3위 시금치 순이다.



몰로키야(molokhia)는  중동 지역의 국민 음식이다.

세계 3대 미녀로 뽑히는 클레오파트라가 미모를 유지하기 위해 먹었다고 알려져있다.

서양에선 ‘파라오의 음식’이란 별명으로 불린다.


비타민A, C, E가 풍부하고, 노화의 적(敵)인 활성산소를 억제하는 힘이 강력하다.

식감이 부드러워서 이집트에선  아기들에게 영양 음식으로 즐겨 준다.

잘게 썬 소고기나 닭고기 등을 육수와 함께 끓이고, 향긋한 몰로키야를 넣어 스튜로 만들어 먹는다.




Best Molokhia; Egyptian Mulukhia

20 Sept 2019  Mulukhia is Jute leaves minced and combined with garlic, coriander fragrant broth. There are many recipes for molokhia here is the Egyptian ...
Rating: 4.9 · 57 votes · 30 mins

Best Molokhia; Egyptian Mulukhia

Published: Sep 20, 2019 · Modified: Oct 24, 2023 by Amira · This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission.


A popular in Middle Easters green soup that can be made in many different ways but the most famous is the Egyptian Molokhia. Join me and I will show you all the tips and tricks for making the best Egyptian Molokhia ever.


Molokhia, also Mulukhia is a green soup made from minced Jews/Jute mallow leaves and cooked in broth. This is the Egyptian Molokhia with all its tips and tricks from my grandma's kitchen.





In our home Molokhia is indeed a love story when it is there on the table everyone gets excited about dinner. I make Molokhia almost weekly, it is my kids' favorite thing to eat with rice.



Almost everyone I know loves Molokhia and it is a mother's secret in Egypt to feed little kids other vegetables too. You see when kids pass their first year, and some people even do it earlier, we introduce the famous rice and Molokhia combo to them. 99.9% of the kids love it, after they get used to it Egyptian moms start their tricks. Put a pile of rice with Molokhia and hide anything in there. Broccoli, peas, carrots, beans.... and so on. Just make sure to cut them into small pieces and the kids will gladly lick their plates. Of course when they get older they will start to object, but at least they got something and you'll feel good about their dinners :).