Maxwelton Braes -맥스웰턴 언덕에
여명이 동트는 녘이면
저 새벽 이슬 내려 빛나는 언덕은~~~
오늘도 새해뜨고 새날이 밝아오는 새 아침
앤니 로리가~~~ .......................................
"Annie Laurie" is an old Scottish song based on a poem said to have been written by William Douglas (1682?–1748) of Dumfriesshire, about his romance with Annie Laurie (1682–1764). The words were modified and the tune was added by Alicia Scott in 1834/5. The song is also known as "Maxwelton Braes(맥스웰턴 언덕)".
애니 로리(Annie Laurie) 또는 맥스웰턴 브레이스(Maxwellton Braes)는 스코틀랜드의 가곡이다. 이 곡은 1834년 또는 35년에 스코틀랜드의 작곡가인 앨리시아 스코트(Alicia Scott, 1810~1900) (또는 레이디 존 스코트(Lady John Scott))가 작곡한 가곡이다. 가사는 17세기 말에 윌리엄 더글러스(1672?~1748)가 지었으며, 이 곡에서 다루고 있는 여성인 안나 로리(Anna Laurie, 1682 ~ 1764)는 실제로 윌리엄 더글러스가 사랑했으나 결혼하지는 못한 여성의 이름이다.
윌리엄 더글러스는 스코틀랜드의 귀족인 로버트 로리의 딸 안나 로리를 사랑했지만, 로버트 로리는 윌리엄과 안나가 결혼하는 것을 반대했다. 이유는 세 가지였다. 하나는 안나가 너무 어리다는 것이었고(대략 10살 터울), 다른 하나는 윌리엄의 성격이 너무 거칠었다는 것이었으며, 마지막 하나(아마도 결정적인 이유)는 윌리엄이 재커바이트(제임스 2세 지지자)였다는 것이었다.

Birth: 16 DEC 1682 Maxwelton, Dumfries
Death: 5 MAY 1764 Friars Carse, Dumfries aged 81
Anna Laurie, or as she is known to the world, Annie Laurie was the fourth daughter of Sir Robert Laurie and Jean Riddell. It was Annie's romance with William Douglas of Fingland, which made her famous throughout the world.
Anna Laurie (안나 로리)또는 그녀가 세상에 알려진 것처럼 Annie Laurie(앤니 로리)는 Sir Robert Laurie와 Jean Riddell의 넷째 딸이었다. Fingland의 William Douglas와의 Annie의 로맨스는 그녀를 전 세계적으로 유명하게 만들었다.

The Home Of Bonnie Annie Laurie, Craigdarroch House, MONIAVE, Dumfriesshire
앤니로리의 보금자리, 크레이그데맄 하우스, 모니애이브, 덤프리스셔
Anna Laurie's later life (안나 로리의 말년)
In Edinburgh on 29 August 1709 Anna married Alexander Fergusson, 14th Laird of Craigdarroch. (Early editions of Brewer's are in error claiming her husband was James Ferguson, who was in fact her son.) She lived at Craigdarroch for 33 years. Under her directions the present mansion of Craigdarroch was built, and a relic of her taste is still preserved in the formal Georgian gardens at the rear of the house. She died on 5 April 1764, at Friars' Carse, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, and some sources say she was buried at Craigdarroch. Portraits of her exist at Maxwelton and at Mansfield, the seat of the Stuart-Monteiths. The portraits show that she had blue eyes.
1709년 8월 29일 에든버러에서 Anna는 Craigdarroch(크레이그 데맄)의 14번째 지주인 Alexander Fergusson과 결혼, 연년생으로 4자녀를 두었다. (Brewer's의 초기판은 그녀의 남편이 사실 그녀의 아들인 James Ferguson이라고 잘못 주장하고 있다.) 그녀는 33년 동안 Craigdarroch(크레이그 데맄)에서 살았다. 그녀의 지시에 따라 Craigdarroch의 현재 저택이 지어졌으며 그녀의 취향에 대한 유물이 집 뒤편에 있는 형식적인 조지아식 정원에 여전히 보존되어 있다. 그녀는 1764년 4월 5일 스코틀랜드 덤프리스셔의 Friars' Carse에서 사망했으며 일부 소식통에 따르면 그녀가 Craigdarroch에 묻혔다고 한다. 그녀의 초상화는 Maxwelton과 Stuart-Monteiths의 자리인 Mansfield에 있다. 초상화는 그녀가 파란 눈을 가졌다는 것을 보여준다.
안나 로리
스코트랜드의 가곡으로 찬송가 "하늘가는 밝은 길이"의 원곡이기도 하다..
AnnieLaurie / Sheila Ryan ♬
Annie Laurie-Sheila Ryan (앤니로리 - 쉴라 라이언) ,
스코틀랜드 가곡, 독립군가
This song was a favourite with Scottish soldiers during the Crimean War.
The song to "Annie Laurie" was originally written by her sweetheart, William Douglas,
and amended by Lady John Scott (1810-1900) who altered the second verse and composed the third.
This song was a favourite with Scottish soldiers during the Crimean War.
Maxwelton's braes are bonnie, Where early fa's the dew,
이슬이 일찍 내려와 있는, 맥스웰턴 언덕은 아릅답구나.
Twas there that Annie Laurie
그리고 그 곳은 애니 로리(안나 로리의 애칭)가,
Gi'ed me her promise true.
내게 (사랑의) 참된 약속을 준 곳이지.
Gi'ed me her promise true
내게 절대로 잊혀지지 않을,
Which ne'er forgot will be,
(사랑의) 참된 약속을 준 곳.
And for bonnie Annie Laurie
그리고 아름다운 애니 로리를 위해서,
I'd lay me doon and dee.
나는 (기꺼이) 쓰러져 죽을 거야.
Her brow is like the snaw-drift,
그녀의 이마는 쌓인 눈 같고,
Her neck is like the swan,
그녀의 목은 백조의 목 같아.
Her face it is the fairest,
그리고 그녀의 얼굴은 아름답지,
That 'er the sun shone on.
지금까지 태양이 비춘 그 어떤 것보다도.
That 'er the sun shone on,
지금까지 태양이 비춘 그 어떤 것보다도(아름답고),
And dark blue is her e'e,
그리고 그녀의 눈은 어두운 푸른색이지.
And for bonnie Annie Laurie
그리고 아름다운 애니 로리를 위해서,
I'd lay me doon and dee.
나는 (기꺼이) 쓰러져 죽을 거야.
Like dew on gowans lying,
데이지 위에 맺힌 이슬처럼,
Is the fa' o' her fairy feet,
그녀의 요정 같은 발이 (바닥에) 내려오는구나.
And like winds, in simmer sighing,
그리고 여름철에 속삭이는 바람처럼,
Her voice is low and sweet.
그녀의 목소리는 낮고 달콤하구나.
Her voice is low and sweet,
그녀의 목소리는 낮고 달콤하구나.
And she's a' the world to me;
그리고 그녀는, 내게 온 세상이지.
And for bonnie Annie Laurie
그리고 아름다운 애니 로리를 위해서,
I'd lay me doon and dee.
나는 (기꺼이) 쓰러져 죽을 거야.
- braes (a brae is a sloping bank of a river or sea-shore; a hill-slope)[3]
- bonnie means pretty
- fa's means falls
- gi'ed means gave
- dee means die
- snaw means snow
- e'e means eye
- gowans are daisies gowan=daisy
- o is of
- simmer means summer
- doon means down
- a is all
The earliest known version, one that may be closest to what Douglas wrote, follows:
Maxwelton braes are bonnie, where early fa's the dew
Where me and Annie Laurie made up the promise true
Made up the promise true, and ne'er forget will I
And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'd lay doun my head and die
She's backit like the peacock, she's breistit like the swan
She's jimp aboot the middle, her waist ye weel may span
Her waist ye weel may span, and she has a rolling eye
And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'd lay doun my head and die.
- She's backit means "She's endowed with a back(side)"
- She's breistit means "She's endowed with a breast"
- jimp means elegant or slender
- ye weel may span means that her waist could be encompassed with the span of two hands
- a rolling eye is a 'come hither' look
Captain William Douglas
William Douglas of Fingland, son of Archibald Douglas of Fingland and Marion Kennedy (of Auchtyfardel) was born at nearby Sanquhar Castle when Morton Castle was in need of repair.
It is traditionally thought that William Douglas, a soldier in the Royal Scots, wrote the words to this old Scottish love song after falling for the daughter of Robert Laurie, the first baronet of Maxwelton, three miles east of Moniaive in Dumfries and Galloway.
Also known as "Maxwelton's Braes" (riverbanks), the lines attributed to Douglas speak of a lovers' pact with "bonnie Annie Laurie". The soldier, who rose to become a captain before his Jacobite allegiances resulted in his exile, is believed to have had a romance with Anne Laurie while she was still in her teens.
If there was any romance, it is likely her father opposed the match, either because his daughter was too young, or because of Douglas's political beliefs. Both went on to marry other people, Laurie marrying the Laird of Craigdarroch and Douglas eloping with a Lanarkshire heiress, Elizabeth (Betty), the daughter of Captain Alexander Clerk of Glendorth (Glendoik).
The words were first recorded in 1823 in Sharpe's Ballad Book. It became popular with soldiers in the Crimean War thanks to Lady John Scott, who modernised the verses and set it to music. In the late 1850s, she published the song as part of a collection of verse sold to benefit the widows and orphans of those who had fought in the Crimea.
Captain William Douglas' home was at Fingland only 12 miles from Annie's Maxwelton, but they appear to have had their first meeting at an Edinburgh ball. They fell in love, but there were complications. Annie's father, who had been knighted by James VII two years after she was born, was a strong Royalist and a vigorous persecutor of Jacobites and Covenanters--not surprising since he was a cousin of the notorious butcher of Covenanters, Grierson of Lag. Indeed, it was in recognition of his anti-Jacobite and anti-Covenanter activities that he received his knighthood.
Captain Douglas, on the other hand, was pledged to the Stuart cause, a Jacobite to the backbone, so that Sir Robert's attitude towards him as a son-in-law was less than enthusiastic. In any case, Douglas was something of a rough diamond, an expert swordsman with a fiery temper that landed him in a succession of duels. Legend has it that on one occasion he was literally crossing swords with Sir Robert when Annie came on the scene and put an end to it. Another opponent, wounded and disarmed by Douglas, later declared that he was defeated less by Douglas's skill than by his "fierce and squintin eyen".
Despite Sir Robert's disapproval, Annie and her lover continued to meet secretly in the seclusion of Maxwelton Braes until news came that a Stuart invasion was about to be launched. Captain Douglas had to leave at once for Edinburgh, but before he spurred away he penned his poetic tribute to his loved one, making up in passionate enthusiasm whatever may have been lacking in elegance and literary merit. Here is how he described the, apparently, shapely Annie:
She's backit like a Peacock,
She's breastit like a swan,
She's jimp about the middle,
Her waist ye weill may span,
Her waist ye weill may span,
And she has a rollin' eye,
And for bonnie Annie Laurie
I'll lay down my head and die.
그녀는 공작처럼 뒤에서
그녀는 백조처럼 가슴이 풍만해
그녀는 중간에 짐을 싣고
그녀의 허리는 멉니다.
그녀의 허리는 멉니다.
그리고 그녀는 구르는 눈을 가지고 있어
그리고 보니 애니 로리를 위해
나는 머리를 숙이고 죽을 것이다.
Like his grandfather, James of Morton, he was a Commissioner of Supply in Dumfries, in 1693
He died in 1760. His son General Archibald Douglas 1707-1778 managed to conceal his Jacobite roots. He served as aide de camp to George 11 at the Battle of Dettingen and was one of those responsible for escorting Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz to marry George 111 securing in the process positions for his daughters at Court. Although he moved the family to live in Witham Essex he remained MP for Dumfries Burghs from 1754 to 1774.
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