가방을 든 여인 OST + 마지막 장면. 영화음악. La ragazza con la valigia OST. last scenes.
제목 : La ragazza con la valigia. 가방을 든 여인
감독 : 발레리오 주를리니
주연 : 클라우디아 카디날레. 자크 페렝
장르 : 드라마
국가 : 이탈리아
등급 : 15세이상관람가
러닝타임 : 116분
필자가 본 간편내용
부잣집 막내아들 16살 남자아이의 진정한 첫사랑이야기.
친형에게 버림받은 연예인 병에 걸린 20대 여인 아이다에게 도움을주며 만남을 이어가는 로랜조.
자신의 연예인 스폰서를 찿기위해서 낮선 남자들과 스스럼없이 어울리며 하루하루를 웃음으로 보내는 아이다를 바라보는 마음이 우울하고 화도난다.
엄마를 잃은 사춘기 소년이 연상의 여인을 갈구하는 Pheadra complex 현상을 잘 표현한 영화인것 같다.
익숙한 멜로디의 OST 에 마지막 장면을 더했다.
Girl with a Suitcase
Girl with a Suitcase (Italian: La ragazza con la valigia) is a 1961 Italian romantic drama film by Valerio Zurlini starring Claudia Cardinale as a spirited but naive young woman who lives on the fluctuating good will of others. It was entered into the 1961 Cannes Film Festival. In 2008, the film was included on the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage’s 100 Italian films to be saved, a list of 100 films that "have changed the collective memory of the country between 1942 and 1978.
- Claudia Cardinale as Aida
Aida leaves her boyfriend Piero, a musician, for Marcello, a wealthy young nobleman who promises great things and then dumps her at a garage with her suitcase. When she tracks him to the family mansion, he sends his sixteen-year-old brother, Lorenzo, out to get rid of her. Taking pity on the girl, he takes her with her suitcase to a pensione where she can spend the night.
U.S theatrical advertisement, 1961
He is meant to be studying by day, but sneaks away to spend time with Aida and slips presents and money to her. One evening he stays drinking and dancing with friends she has met, who depart at midnight leaving the two alone. When he creeps home at dawn, his hostile aunt spots him and his secret is out. Next time he is able to meet Aida she warns him that she has an illegitimate child who is currently away at a summer camp. When she agrees to meet Lorenzo later, the family priest appears instead and, after telling her that Lorenzo is the little brother of Marcello who seduced her, tells her to leave the boy alone and leave town.
She goes with her suitcase to the seaside resort where Piero is working, but he is furious at seeing her again and hits her. A brawny friend of his, Romolo, thinks he will take advantage of the unhappy girl and gets her drunk. When she rejects his advances, he offers her money. At that moment Lorenzo, who has tracked her down, appears and reclaims her. Unashamed at attacking a slight boy, Romolo starts beating him up until stopped by others. Taking him to the beach, Aida bathes his battered face and, alone together in the dusk, they are at last close. But Lorenzo has to catch a train home at two in the morning and, as they part at the station, he presses an envelope on her. Opening it when he has gone, she finds a parting gift of money. Once again, she has been left on her own.
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Italia - Fausto Papetti - "La muchacha de la valija"
Fausto Papetti의 섹소폰 연주
Phaedra complex
[그리스 신화에 나오는 테세우스의 아내 페드라의 이름을 따서 명명되었다. 페드라는 자신의 의붓아들 히폴리투스가 성적 접근을 거부하자 자신을 강간했다고 비난했다.]
The complex takes its name from Greek mythology. Phaedra was the daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë, wife of Theseus, sister of Ariadne, and the mother of Demophon of Athens and Acamas. Though married to Theseus, Phaedra fell in love with Hippolytus, Theseus' son born by either Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, or Antiope, her sister.
이 컴플렉스는 그리스 신화에서 이름을 따왔다. 페드라는 미노스와 파시파에의 딸, 테세우스의 아내, 아리아드네의 누이, 아테네와 아카마스의 데모폰의 어머니이다. 페드라는 테세우스와 결혼했지만 아마존의 여왕 히폴리타나 그녀의 여동생 안티오페 사이에서 태어난 테세우스의 아들인 히폴리투스와 사랑에 빠졌다.
When Hippolytus refused Phaedra's advances, she falsely accused him of propositioning her. Phaedra eventually killed herself in remorse after his subsequent death.
히폴리투스가 페드라의 접근을 거부하자, 그녀는 그가 자신을 유혹했다고 거짓 비난을 했다. Phaedra는 이후 그가 사망한 후 후회면서 결국 자살했다.
Encyclopedia of psychology
아들을 향한 어머니의 근친상간적 사랑.
the incestuous love of a mother for her male child. The name stems from the Greek myth of Phaedra, Theseus’s wife. Whenever her stepson, Hippolytus, refused her love, Phaedra claimed he raped her and she then hung herself.
Fausto Papetti - La Ragazza Con La Valigia 《手提箱女郎》(1961)
La ragazza con la valigia
La ragazza con la valigia è un film del 1961 diretto da Valerio Zurlini, presentato in concorso al 14º Festival di Cannes.[1]. Ha ricevuto ai David di Donatello un David Speciale per la migliore interpretazione femminile di Claudia Cardinale.
Il film è stato poi selezionato tra i 100 film italiani da salvare