
2022 Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

류지미 2022. 4. 5. 08:58

NATO Day marked across the Alliance

  • 04 Apr. 2022 -|
  • Last updated: 04 Apr. 2022 13:31

Today marks the 73rd anniversary of NATO. Since its foundation on April 4th 1949, NATO has guaranteed the security and safety of Allied citizens in Europe and North America. Today, the Alliance includes 30 countries and one billion people.

To mark this anniversary, capitals across the Alliance are illuminating buildings in NATO blue and raising the NATO flag at important monuments. In Brussels, for instance, flags are flying under the Cinquantenaire and at the entrance to the Atomium.

As NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg writes in the foreword of his recent Annual Report for 2021, the Alliance stands united in the face of new security challenges: “While our security environment has changed dramatically in the last decade, our fundamental values have not, and neither has NATO Allies’ commitment to protect and defend each other. The bond between Europe and North America is stronger than ever. Together in NATO, we will continue to keep our one billion people safe and free.”


Raising of the NATO Flag at the Arches of the Cinquantenaire in  Brussels for the occasion of NATO Day

In Brussels, flags are flying under the Cinquantenaire and at the entrance to the Atomium.


Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

  • 06 Apr. 2022 - 07 Apr. 2022|
  • Press Release 2022 067
  • Issued on 29 Mar. 2022
  • |Last updated: 01 Apr. 2022 08:09


  1. A meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs will take place at the NATO Headquarters on Wednesday 06 April and Thursday 07 April 2022. The meeting will be in person and will be chaired by the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg.
  2. This media advisory marks the opening of online registration for accreditation. Media representatives with annual accreditation can cover this event at NATO Headquarters with their annual badge. Media representatives who do not have an annual badge but want to cover the event in person, need to apply for accreditation, which will be valid on 5, 6 and 7 April. NATO will facilitate remote interaction during the Secretary General’s press conferences.


  1. A detailed media programme will be published shortly on the NATO website.
  2. The Secretary General will preview the Ministerial meeting with a press conference in the afternoon of 05 April.
  3. The meeting will start on 06 April with a working dinner. No media opportunity is foreseen.
  4. There will be two sessions on 07 April. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Australia, Finland, Georgia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Sweden and Ukraine, as well as the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission, are invited to join the first session. Some of them may attend via video link.
  5. Public opening remarks, as well as the family photo, will be covered by a pool of videographers and photographers (see below for pool access).
  6. The Secretary General will brief the press at the end of the meeting, in the afternoon on 07 April.
  7. Please contact the individual delegations regarding the media engagements of ministers. A list of delegation press officers is available from the NATO Press & Media Section (MOC [at] hq.nato.int). Any national events that are open to all media will be announced on CCTV during the ministerial meeting.


  1. Visual journalists will have pool access to the opening of the meeting and the official ‘family photo’. A limited number of pool cards will be available and should be requested by email before the start of the ministerial meeting, at NatoMediaOperations[at] hq.nato.int.
  2. If you accept a NATO pool position you must share immediately all information and material collected while in the pool with any accredited media that request it. You will share the material at no charge and with no restriction on the use of the material for news purposes.
  3. You can only accept the pool accreditation if you have the agreement of your employer to all of the conditions on providing pool material listed above.
  4. Media organisations that want pooled images should first contact the wire service / photo agency of which they are a client. Media representatives and news organisations must identify that it is pooled material every time it is used. Pooled material can only be used for legitimate news purposes and it cannot be sold.


  1. NATO will provide broadcast quality video in real time on EBU World feed or to EBU News Exchange.
  2. NATO photographers and videographers will provide video clips and photos of all public events during the ministerial meeting. Photos can be downloaded from the NATO website. The video files will be available for free download from the NATO Multimedia Portal.
  3. The Secretary General’s press conference will be broadcast live on the internal closed-circuit television system and can be viewed in the press working area as well as on the NATO website. The press conference will also be available via EBU. Audio recordings of the press conference interpreted in English and French, as well as transcripts in English will be made available on the NATO website.



  1. Attendance in person:
    1. Media representatives who have annual accreditation to NATO for 2022 do not need to apply for separate accreditation for this event.
    2. All other media representatives wishing to cover the meetings in person will need to apply for short-term accreditation. They need to register via NATO’s media accreditation platform: https://my.hq.nato.int. Please find instructions on how to log in or create a new profile in Annex 1.
    3. The deadline to register and apply for media accreditation for attendance in person is Thursday 31 March 2022 at 23:59 (Brussels Time).
    4. NATO will confirm the accreditation explicitly by email. Please bring a printout of the confirmation email when collecting their badge.
  1. Media passes must be collected in person upon presentation of an ID card or passport and a valid national press pass (or accreditation letter from a recognised media organisation) at the Main Entrance, NATO Headquarters, Boulevard Leopold III 1110.
  2. Passes must be visible at all times. Security personnel may ask to see another form of ID. You are advised to arrive with sufficient lead time to clear security checks. Security personnel will examine and may test equipment and personal effects carried onto the site.
  3. In accordance with NATO media accreditation procedures, NATO reserves the right to deny or withdraw accreditation of media representatives from media organisations who abuse their privileges, put the accreditation to improper use or act in a way not consistent with the principles of the organisation. Late applications will not be taken into consideration for pool access.
  4. NATO will also facilitate remote coverage/interaction:
    1. All public events will be streamed live on the NATO website, and recorded footage will be available via the NATO Multimedia portal.
    2. NATO is offering journalists the option to ask questions remotely via Zoom to the NATO Secretary General during his press conferences on 05 and 07 April. Journalists wishing to do so are requested to register by midday on Tuesday 05 April 2022 (Brussels Time) via NATO’s accreditation platform: https://my.hq.nato.int. Please find instructions on how to create a profile in Annex 1.
    3. Journalists registered for remote engagement will be contacted separately for technical details. While every effort will be made to accommodate as many questions as possible, time limitations might not allow all questions to be asked.


  1. A press area with working spaces will be set up on the first floor of the NATO Public Square. Electricity sockets, Wi-Fi internet, and telephones will be available. The permanent media working room is also available on the first floor of the Public Square, facing the Agora.
  2. Working spaces cannot be booked in advance and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. Television and radio editing spaces will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, upon request by email to the NATO TV & Radio Unit (see contact details below).
  4. NATO also makes available one TV and one radio studio when they are not in use by senior NATO officials. These facilities are usually booked via delegations’ press officers wishing to accept interview requests from media organisations.


  1. Media representatives can park in the Visitors’ car park of the NATO HQ, or in the car park directly across the Main Entrance, at the Z entrance parking of the former NATO HQ. Uplink vans can park in a special section of the car park upon request to the NATO TV & Radio Unit.


Accreditation Office
Tuesday 05 April: 11:00-14:00
Wednesday 06 April: 12:30-17:30
Thursday 07 April: 07:00-16:00

Media Centre
Tuesday 05 April: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 06 April: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 07 April: 07:00 – End of Operations


Overall Coordination & pool cards
Ms Irina Novakova
Telephone: +32 (0)2 707 1003

Mr Angelo Pacifico
Telephone: +32 (0)2 707 83 46

TV & Radio arrangements on site and via satellite
Mr Bart Vandendorpe
Telephone: +32 (0)2 707 35 78

NATO Video on demand
NATO Channel
Telephone: +32 (0)2 707 12 27


Ukraine invited to join NATO Foreign Ministers meet next week

ANI 29 March, 2022 09:30 pm IST

나토, 반(反) 러시아 공조 확대...한국 외교장관 첫 참석 / YTN

Apr 3, 2022
3.13M subscribers


북대서양조약기구, 나토가 이번 주 '반 러시아' 공조를 강화하기 위해 아시아· 태평양지역 국가들과 함께 외교장관회의를 엽니다.

우리 외교부 장관도 사상 처음으로 참석할 예정인데 이번 회의에서 미국 주도의 러시아 압박 연대에 참가국들이 얼마나 가세할지 주목됩니다.

이교준 기자의 보도입니다.

정의용 외교부 장관이 이번 주 벨기에 브뤼셀에서 열리는 나토 외교장관확대회의에 참석합니다.

이번 회의에는 나토 회원국 30개국 이외 우크라이나와 한국, 일본, 호주 등이 초청됐습니다.

우리나라를 비롯해 아태지역 4개국이 나토 외교장관회의에 초청된 것은 처음입니다.

우크라이나 사태 해결을 위한 국제적 공조가 시급하다는 판단에 따른 것으로 보입니다.

정의용 장관은 현지 시각 7일 비공개회의에서 러시아에 대한 경제제재 동참 등 우리 정부의 기존 입장을 표명할 것으로 보입니다.

[최영삼 / 외교부 대변인(3월 29일) : 우리 정부는 러시아의 우크라이나 무력 침공을 강력히 규탄하면서 국제사회의 책임 있는 일원으로서 경제제재를 포함한 국제사회의 노력에 적극적으로 동참한다는 입장을 견지해오고 있습니다.]

이번 회의는 미국 주도의 러시아 전방위 압박 연대에 나토 회원국들이 얼마나 동참 의지를 보일지가 최대 관심사입니다.

하지만 나토의 군사적 역할 확대를 놓고 러시아 인접국과 프랑스, 독일 등 간에 입장 차가 여전해 공동성명이 채택될지 불투명합니다.

[신범식 / 서울대 정치외교학부 교수 : 독일이나 프랑스 같은 국가들 입장에서는 나토와 러시아의 대립적 구도가 고조되는 것보다는 함께 공존하고 힘의 균형을 맞춰보는 안에 대해서 좀 더 현실적인 생각들을 하는 국가들이 있는 거죠.]

중장기적으로 유럽 안보질서 변화와 러시아와의 관계 설정을 놓고 셈법이 다르다는 지적입니다.

최근 스웨덴과 핀란드 등 중립국들도 전향적으로 나토 가입을 검토하고 있지만 향후 러시아의 견제와 국내 여론 수렴 등 걸림돌이 만만치 않습니다.

YTN 이교준입니다.