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실로암 - 노래하는 청지기
실로암 (어두운 밤에 캄캄한 밤에)
찬양과 함께ㅣ실로암ㅣ 논산훈련소 연무대 특별 집회
장소: 육군 논산훈련소
일시: 2019년 8월 25일 (일)
실로암(논산 육군훈련소) 번개탄
Nonsan Training Center worship silloam
In the deep, dark night I left on a journey
to find the daybreak Even if bell rang, cock crowed
it was still a deep night to me When we first met
was a cold dawn I could feel the break of day
in your eyes O Lord, I thank you for giving me
the Pool of Siloam Please don't wake me up
from this everlasting dream
어두운 밤에 캄캄한 밤에
새벽을 찾아 떠난다
종이 울리고 닭이 울어도
내 눈에는 오직 밤이었소
우리가 처음 만난 그때는
차가운 새벽이었소
당신 눈속에 여명 있음을
나는 느낄 수가 있었소
오 주여 당신께 감사하리라
실로암 내게 주심을
나에게 영원한 이 꿈속에서
깨이지 않게 하소서
논산 육군 훈련소 역대급 실로암
파도타기에 비밀병기까지
이전보다 더 스펙타클해진 실로암을 볼 수 있습니다
군인들의 실로암이 진짜 실로암 되길 간절히 소망합니다
오늘도 나라를 지키는 군인들에 박수!!!
실로암 1시간 연속 듣기 | 노래 by 행복한오드리 | MR by 양다키타
Steps where Jesus said to heal a blind man unearthed in Jerusalem
The discovery was made by archaeologists during excavation work on the Pool of Siloam. Approximately eight steps were unearthed.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFSEPTEMBER 9, 2023 02:39Updated: SEPTEMBER 9, 2023 15:04

Steps were uncovered at the Ancient Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem, which haven't been seen in over 2,000 years, reports said on Thursday.
The significance of this discovery is that it's the location where Jesus healed a blind man in the New Testament, Fox News reported. The location itself was first mentioned in the Old Testament, a recent Washington Times report said.
The discovery was made by archaeologists after making significant progress in excavating the site. Approximately eight steps were unearthed, the Fox News report said.
This was as the Israel Antiquities Authority, the Israel National Parks Authority and the City of David Foundation announced earlier this year that the Ancient Pool of Siloam would be open to the public for the first time in 2,000 years. Until recently, only a small section of the location has been completely excavated and this is accessible to the public. The site was at one point 1.25 acres, according to the Times report. It is expected that more of the site will become accessible over time as more areas will be unearthed, as the site holds importance to both Christians and Jews, according to Fox News.
"History preserved for us"
Rev. Johnnie Moore, president of the Congress of Christian Leaders, told Fox News Digital that “in the Pool of Siloam, we find evidence of history preserved for us, revealed at just the right time.
On the Portico of the Pool of Siloam. (credit: Wikimedia Commons)
“Theologically, it affirms scripture; geographically, it affirms scripture; and politically, it affirms Israel’s unquestionable and unrivaled link to Jerusalem. Some discoveries are theoretical. This one is undeniable. It is proof of the story of the Bible and its people, Israel,” he continued.
“Theologically, it affirms Scripture; geographically, it affirms scripture; and politically, it affirms Israel’s unquestionable and unrivaled link to Jerusalem. Some discoveries are theoretical. This one is undeniable. It is proof of the story of the Bible and its people, Israel.”
Rev. Johnnie Moore
The Pool of Siloam was built approximately 2,700 years ago, Fox News reported. It was used as part of Jerusalem's water system.
An Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man enters the Siloam pool in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan October 23, 2009.
The pool standing today dates the Byzantine Era and is located at the site where Christians believe that Jesus instructed a blind man wash, granting him sight.(photo credit: REUTERS/GIL COHEN MAGEN)
Pool of Siloam to Open in Jerusalem After 2,000 Years
Pool of Siloam and Lower (Old) Pool in the Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem
Survey of Palestine map 1:2,500
The Byzantine pool of Siloam
The Pool of Siloam is an ancient water reservoir located at the southern tip of the City of David, near Jerusalem's Old City
In Biblical Baby Names the meaning of the name Siloam is: Bough, weapon, armor.
225장 실로암 샘물가에 핀
찬송가 225장. 실로암 샘물가에 핀 #가사/악보/NWC
새찬송가 225장 실로암 샘물가에 핀 (1)실로암 샘물가에 핀 한 송이 흰 백합 한 떨기 향기 풍기는 샤론의 장미꽃 (2)평화의 길을 따르는 순진한 어린이 주님을 믿는 그 마음 거룩한 꽃이라 (3)찬 서
이 찬송가는 영국 국교회 목사 히버(ReginaldHeber,1783~1826)가 주현절(Epiphany) 첫 주일 찬송으로 작사한 곡입니다.
새 찬송가 225장 실로암 샘물가에 핀 PPT 자료 및 배경 설명
찬송가 225장 '실로암 샘물가에 핀'에 대해 알고 계신가요? 이 찬송가는 영국 국교회 목사 히버(ReginaldHeber,1783~1826)가 주현절(Epiphany) 첫 주일 찬송으로 작사한 곡입니다. 지금부터 이 찬송가의 배
The term Pool of Siloam (Arabic: بِرْكَة سِلْوَان Birka Silwān, Hebrew: בְּרֵכַת הַשִּׁילוֹחַ, Bərēḵat haŠīlōaḥ) refers to a number of rock-cut pools on the southern slope of the Wadi Hilweh, located outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem to the southeast. The pools were fed by the waters of the Gihon Spring, carried there by the Siloam Tunnel.
The Lower Pool or "Old Pool" was historically known as Birket el Hamra, literally "the red pool".
Handcolored photo of the site (c. 1865)
The pool was rediscovered during an excavation work for a sewer in the autumn of 2004, by Ir David Foundation workers, following a request and directions given by archaeologists Eli Shukron accompanied by Ori Orbach from the Israel Nature and Parks Authority. Archaeologists Eli Shukron and Ronny Reich (working with the Israel Antiquities Authority) uncovered stone steps, and it became obvious that these steps were likely to have been part of the Second Temple period pool. Excavations commenced and confirmed the initial supposition; the find was formally announced on August 9, 2005, and received substantial international media attention.
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